Week in Review: Making Progress

At the end of February, I came to the realization that the life I was living was not the life I wanted to be living – and that changes would need to be made.
Then I sat down and developed action steps that would help me to implement those changes.

Finally, I found sources of both internal (people I know personal and interact with daily) and external (someone not directly in my circle of influence) of accountability.

Last week, was the first time that I put all the pieces together, so you might be wondering how I did?


Each morning, I stayed up after getting my husband off to work, and used that free time for prayer journaling, Bible reading, and reflection on my personal beliefs. On Saturday, I met my MIL and SIL for an early morning Bible study that left me feeling liberated, excited, and renewed.


One of my goals is to spend more time with my family. Over the weekend, we hosted my niece for a sleepover with my daughter, and took the girls out for bike rides. On Sunday afternoon, the hubby and I enjoyed a “mini-date” by snuggling on the couch and chatting. Both were wonderful ways to reconnect with the people who matter most to me.


For the first time, in 6 months or more, I used my weekend to meal plan, shop, prep food, and managed to eat 95% on plan instead of opting for fast food or heavily processed food to feed my family.


Given my pregnancy limitations, I have changed my fitness goal to simply 30 minutes of intentional movement on most days. I enjoyed several long walks, a few aerobics classes with friends, and some prenatal yoga. Nothing felt forced or uncomfortable, even on days where I was tired, I wanted to move. This is a HUGE change from just a few weeks ago where I wanted to just blow off ALL my workouts – simply because I couldn’t workout at the same intensity level as pre-pregnancy. Krissie, my fabulous coach, had suggested that I just focus on moving – and giving myself permission to change my plans by listening to what my body told me. And she was right. That subtle shift in attitude did WONDERS for how I felt…and it is how I will approach fitness going forward.


My posting is still sporadic at best. However, that is because I working on some fun and exciting changes that I hope to be sharing with you very soon.

The week wasn’t perfect – there were still too many hours of television watched, take-out pizza consumed, and not enough sleep. However, I felt as though I was living my ideal life.

And that is great progress!

Your turn – Tell me about your week!

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